How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents (Full Explanation)

How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents (Full Guide)

Welcome to Pawpawsoft,  in this article, we will discuss about How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents in 2024. It’s pretty simple really. Just upload your image or images and download the results in a text format, problem solved thank you for reading. Except there’s more to it and the resultant format is in notepad text file form not in Word format.

Word files are truly one of the most popular formats of digital documents, the other one being PDF. You’d be hard-pressed to find a single institute from any field that doesn’t work with either format where digital documentation is concerned.

OCR technology is starting to come on its own after decades of development behind it. It is unrecognizable from the advanced methods used today to extract text from images. We’ll take a deep dive into the inner workings of the OCR tools and witness how the tools convert JPEG to Word format in one sitting.

Using OCR Technology To Compute Documents

This is going to be a 7-step process. No one said it would be easy but we’ll do our best to explain in a comprehendible way.

#1.  Choosing JPG Format Over Others

The reason we are choosing to convert the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) over other image formats is simple. It’s a better format when it comes to compression, and it has wide compatibility. How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents (Full Guide) We’ll be using a jpg to word converter to explain how the digitization process happens in real-time.


#2.  Preprocessing

Before the actual conversion starts to happen, an image gets cleaned in the background for enhanced quality and character recognition. The cleaning process itself is quite thorough. It includes:

  • Deskewing

Just a fancy way of saying that it aligns the image properly for text extraction. Tilted pictures become straight and aligned horizontally.

  • Noise Reduction

This process gets rid of the extra material around the text, making it easier for OCR tools to make sense of what the text is. Like removing noise in the background when you’re on a phone call to hear clearly or remove distractions, OCR tools remove unwanted marks in images.


  • Binarization

Big fan of black and white images. Well, you’re in luck as the binarization process does just that. The tool converts the image into two colors namely black and white and assigns a threshold for these values.

How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents (Full Guide)

Pixels in the image darker than the assigned threshold become black while lighter pixels become white. The JPG to Word converter now has a great idea of what to focus on more in the image.

White will be focused on more while black gets ignored for the most part. As we were writing this, we realized how racist the OCR tools appear when it comes to identifying text. This was a poor attempt at humor and should not be taken seriously.  

#3.  Character Segmentation

In plain words, the converter at this point will take individual words from sentences and separate characters from them to accurately judge text. The word AutoCAD becomes “A u t o C A D” in the eyes of the OCR tool.

#4.  Feature Extraction

Think of the letter “F.” Bet you haven’t given letters much thought since your early K-12 years. Image-to-text tools on the other hand can only think in terms of identifying individual letters or characters to accurately extract text.

F has one vertical and two horizontal lines meeting each other on the upper half. The way we just described F is exactly how online OCR tools look at these things.

#5.  Character Recognition

Character recognition is a system’s ability to recognize the text provided to it after looking into its own database to match patterns. Certain systems and especially machine learning algorithms work this way. You show them what patterns to match with what symbols and it’s a jackpot. The text in the JPG image is converted into digital text. How OCR Technology Can Digitize Your Documents (Full Guide) Source:

#6.  Postprocessing

The major work is done and it’s time for proofreading by the converter. Sometimes, minuscule errors slip through like spelling mistakes, line breaks, paragraph breaks, or any other inconsistency. It’s nothing that can’t be fixed in the postprocessing stage.

#7.  Output In Word Format

We’ve made it to the last stage and it’s time to collect your document. The original layout and formatting of the text in the image are preserved so don’t worry about fixing anything. That’s the job of the jpg to word converter before it rolls out the document.


Final Word

You can apply the same framework to all the other image formats, and they will be converted in the same way with no flaws. Image-to-text tools these days are based on technologies that are self-learning and are only getting better by the day.  


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